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All-India parents' meeting 2024

Theme: Navigating the Evolving Careers in 21st Century

This nationwide virtual conference is designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools to effectively guide their children's career exploration and development in the dynamic 21st-century landscape. Through insightful discussions, expert panels, and research-backed solutions, parents will gain essential insights on:


  • Navigating the Evolving Career Landscape: Explore the diverse and ever-expanding career options available to students in the 21st century.

  • Unlocking Potential - Skill-Based Learning: Discover the importance of fostering a skill-based learning approach that equips students for future success.

  • Tackling the Jobs Crisis: Understand the root causes of unemployability and explore solutions for a future-proof career path.

  • Expert Panels: Engage with prominent figures from education, industry, and career guidance to gain valuable insights and practical strategies.

  • Interactive Q&A Session: Get your specific questions answered by our expert panelists in a dedicated forum.




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